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Posted on November 19 2012

The time is now. I know so many of us are asking or have been asking the question...

What is the point of all of this? Why do we go about our day doing the things that we do, and do them so mindlessly and yet, wake up, and do it over and over again. Why are we here?

When you start asking the questions...Who am I? What am I here to do? Why am I here? Stay stead fast. Stay the course. You are on the right track, do not lose hope, and definately keep the faith. Be excited and grateful, you are transforming and becoming who you truly are and always have been. The veils that have been placed in front of you are starting to blow around a bit and you are getting glimpses of your true essence your true nature, your true being on the other side of that veil.

You are seeing and understanding you are a soul, a spirit, experiencing life in a physical body. You are this soul first and human second. So you are always perfect, always worthy always loved and respected, as that beautiful being of light.

Can you feel that? Can you understand that?

Do you feel your power? Do you see yourself? Do you really see yourself? Do you see you are prefect in everything that you do. Do you understand the repercussions of this...we can create anything, do anything! Do you understand this. Look around you, in your life, in your community, in your world. We have manifested ALL OF IT!

Do see what we can do with this power? Often we see and remember the not so good things that we create, like war, hunger, the drama and gossiping about others. But with all of this "darkness" there is it's match, in light. We know this on so many levels, because it is our innate way of being!

I believe where we struggle as humans is the belief that we have to follow the norm, the archetypes of what we think we should be because from EVERYWHERE we are told we are not good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough. That we are not worthy or loveable, and get weighed down by all the don't's and the do's that media, society, family friends tell us.

The hardest part of asking the questions about, who am I, and what am I here to do...the hardest part my friends is to stay the course. You will have so much resistance from your ego, from your family, from your friends and society telling you "what's wrong with you"...who are you, I don't recognize you anymore, you are not the same person anymore? Where is the person that I knew. All this is doing is shifting them, making them a little uneasy, making them look at their own lives and then the fear kicks in and instead of supporting you, they tell you to come back to where they are at so that they can feel better and not deal with their own "stuff". I had to understnad that this is part of the process of being the front runner, it is not easy you will come up against some hurdles, but trust that you are on true path and will not be left hanging.

The fears that others project onto us will naturally make you doubt your course and you can fall victim to falling back asleep to the illusion of the duality of this world. Well my friend, I am here to remind you, to stay awake, stay the course.

Yes, it can be difficult as things that no longer serve you fall away, people that no longer match your energy and vibration seem to leave your life, and all of it can leave you a little shell shocked, alone and unsupported and unloved. But trust that I will be there for you, if you would like me to be there, you are never alone, never unloved and always supported.

If we can understand the whole universe is composed of light and dark, and so are we. It's time to be productive and bond rather than play tug of war with it. Listen to the layers of pain or sorro that lost touch with our inner soul. Give those layers a chance and space to express themselves rather than masking them. Be compassionate with yourself, these are the energies that will return balance and wisdom to your essence. They are what bring you to the possibility of higher consciousness and awareness.

Thinking we are separate from each other and the universe is the source of our core wound on this planet, but the truth is we are all connected we are all connected to that BIGGER source, in fact it is within each of us, we are all ONE, we are all the SAME at the core of our being. We are all here to remind each other to wake up to this, it is all of our responsibilites to begin the course work in rejoining all our separated pieces, and the easiest place to start is with yourself. Call all your pieces back that you have given away or that others may have taken from you. Go into the depths of those hurts, I promise you you will be victorious in this, for this is your life and your deeper calling is to do this, be your true and authentic self. You have asked to remind you and so I am doing just that...come with me take the leap, you are not alone in this, I am with you...so jump, I will take your hand, but only if you want me to. Remember this is your journey you have the free will to do anything you want. You have the power, I am here to help empower you, I never want to take your power away. That would only take away pieces from you, and I just want to serve you and the greater good. So I will love you through it all the way...if you want me to. I want to see you shine, that is my wish for you, for is all.

We are on our way back to the unity of the ONE and in prepartation for this return your life and body will need to release all the belief systems and programs of separation of the self, each other, and the one, it is all the same, you are me and I am you.

Live from your heart more, work with the ego see your vices and how they are affecting your life. Fear will lower your state of consciousness, whereas love will raise it. We are all working towards reaching that state of unconditional love. Work with it, use it on yourself first. This is so key! You cannot unconditionally love another until you unconditionally love yourself. So stop the negative self talk, that is your lower consciousness talking, your ego. Stop the tape that keeps playing in your head...for all of it is simply untrue. You are perfect.

It is not easy, I understand how difficult it can be, but know that the resistance is fear, we hold onto the labels of our victimhood, for we think without them we are nothing. But that is simply untrue. We just have never known the otherside of that label. The other side is unknown, and it's the fear of the unknown that can keep us stuck. But trust me, once you let go of something that no longer serves you it creates a space for love and peace to come in, that space will be filled with something deeper that your soul is calling for and one that is such great benefit to you and to the ALL.

But understand if you are not ready to take this step it is ok too, you will when you are ready, there is no judgement, you are still beautiful and perfect, and exactly where you need to be.

Just remember any direction that is based on love, or if you choose to make any decisions based on love and light, does benefit us all. Every thought, every word and every action. If you live from this place you ride the wave above all fear based realities....remember what I said about dualities dark and light. Train yourself to see the opposite of that that fear is just the

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